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Lillian The Little Girl and
Julia The Toddler


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Welcome first time visitor!!
This site is currently dedicated to our newest and greatest project.  Children!

Download videos that only a Grandmother could love!

Click on picture to start the download.


Here is Julia's first movie.  In this clip she plays a baby being tortured by her big sister while in a bouncy seat!! 10/14/00
12 Seconds
1.1MB (MPEG)
lilcranky.jpg (12585 bytes) Lillian saying the popular and trendy Budweiser slogan, "Wassup?"!
(Ironic, because she drinks Bass Ale)
8.3 Seconds
lilcranky.jpg (12585 bytes) Here is LuLu becoming engrossed with The Nutcracker.   She starts dancing as only a LuLu can do! 12/21/99
28.4 Seconds
lilcranky.jpg (12585 bytes) This video starts off with a cranky Lilly, and then resolves with her finding inner peace. 9/4/99
10.3 Seconds
lilblah.jpg (13050 bytes) This video shows pre verbal Lilly imitating typical presidential politics. 9/4/99
11.8 Seconds
lileat.jpg (13328 bytes) This video shows Lilly eating.  Not too exciting unless you never saw a baby eat before... and even then... 9/4/99
22.5 Seconds
anke&lil.jpg (12369 bytes) This video has Anke speaking in German to Nicole, and trying to get Lilly to speak some too. 9/4/99
37.5 Seconds
lilywalk.jpg (15345 bytes) This video shows Lilly stumbling across the tiles like a drunken sailor. Cute, except to drunken sailors. 7/24/99
22 Seconds

More Pictures!!
So you want to pry some more?  Well you can't f I am an Exhibitionist!

Pictures of Me at my company's web site...
Pictures of Anke the Wife at the "Anke Shrine"

E-mail nice words and hate mail to Steve Adler




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Copyright © 1998 Corey Computer Consultants
Last modified: May 08, 2006