First, we need a car.
Not just any car, but a diesel. Not just any diesel, but a Mercedes - because after all - the song does not go, "Oh lord won't you buy me a Volkswagen Rabbit.." After some quick research into the best year and model, I decided that I really had two options to do the Veggie thing. One, I could do a very cheap, experimental project, and use the least expensive car possible so if things go horribly wrong, I would not feel like such a looser. This would be like a 1981 MB 300D or a mid 80's 300SD. Option two, I could get the nicest used diesel I could find, so if I did the conversion right, I would actually want to drive in the finished product. More importantly than that, my wife wanted me to get a nice car - so the decision was made. Research pointed me to the 350 SDL. Why this one, because it was the newest and largest of the old diesels and the "L" was critical for me. I have a BMW 740iL, and the L means long wheel base. I like big cars (or very VERY small cars) If I am going to do this - damn - I will ride a big ass Benz - the biggest I can get - on waste VO... this "makes me laugh long time" Finding the ride was difficult. They only made these cars two years. After much research over about two weeks, I found a candidate, but it was very expensive. Bluebook for this car is about $5000, but these dues in NY wanted $10,900 for their ride. It had 204000 miles, but I was still intrigued. I had them send me some more pictures of this car, and I figured if I liked it, I would go to NY and grab it. I have those pictures on the link to the left. |
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